A group of over 20 members in EARTH team


The EARTH team met at the University of Notre Dame February 26-28. The schedule was as follows.

Sunday, February 26

6:00 p.m. Welcome Reception and Dinner


Monday, February 27

7:30 a.m. Breakfast

8:00 Welcome Remarks

8:15 Session 1: Visioning and Visualization

9:15 Session 2: Thrust Working Sessions

T1 Lower HFC Emissions J

T2 Reduce Impact S

T3 Higher Energy Efficiency Y

10:15 Coffee Break

10:45 Session 3: Working Sessions

1.3 Chemical Conversion Y

3.1 Sensor System S

3.3 Advanced Cycles J

Engineering Workforce Development (EWD) G

11:45 Lunch and Campus/Lab Tour

1:00 p.m. Session 4: Working Sessions

2.2 New Class of Refrigerants S

2.3 Next Generation Materials J

3.2 Energy Efficient Environmental Control G

Innovation Ecosystem (IE) Y

2:00 Session 5: Working Sessions

1.1 Novel Separations Processes Y

1.2 Security Markers S

Diversity and Culture of Inclusion (DCI) J

3:00 Snack Break

3:30 Session 6: Working Sessions

Diversity and Culture of Inclusion (DCI) Y

Engineering Workforce Development (EWD) J

Innovation Ecosystem (IE) S

4:15 Session 7: Crosscut and Budget Working Sessions

Synthesis and Characterization J

Modeling and Analysis Behavior and Policy S

Budget G

Integration Y

5:00 Break

6:00 Depart for Dinner at Carnegie Library

Tuesday, February 28

7:30 a.m. Breakfast

8:00 Session 8: Recap and Discussion Items

10:15 Coffee Break

10:45 Session 9: Thrust Writing and Letters

Thrust 1 Y

Thrust 2 S

Thrust 3 G

Letters of Commitment J

11:45 Closing Remarks

12:00 Pick up To-Go Lunch