Recruitment, Outreach, Opportunities, and Mentoring

Aerial view of KU campus

ENRICH (Endeavor for Recruiting in Cooling and Heating)

ENRICH (Endeavor for Recruiting in Cooling and Heating) is EARTH's IB Signature Program. Serving as an umbrella of several initiatives to broaden participation at the undergraduate, graduate and new/mid-career faculty levels in partnership with industry. Each program will focus its efforts on prioritizing underrepresented students, faculty and staff.
Diagram exhibiting the different steps of ENRICH from Undergraduate through Graduate Students to Early career faculty and professionals
ENRICH Undergraduate Students diagram for undergrad research opportunities at any on the affiliated universities


ENRICH US (undergraduates) will enable undergraduate students from under-resourced communities to work in EARTH member labs while earning course credits

ENRICH Graduate Student diagram with Industry Partners


ENRICH GO (graduate opportunities) will host EARTH-institution graduate students (especially those from underserved communities) to attend the ENRICH GO Seminar at EARTH’s annual meetings

ENRICH Early Career faculty and Professionals diagram with mentoring pairs or teams and industry partners

ENRICH MENTOR connects new or mid-career faculty and professionals with experienced mentors, in alignment with EARTH’s goal of creating a supportive environment to retain personnel diversity.

Mentoring Awards

EARTH Mentor will encourage the formation of mentor/mentee teams to build networks and promote comfortable spaces for peer mentoring. To reward leadership development, EARTH will recognize an Outstanding Mentor each year during the ENRICH GO seminar luncheon. As part of the ENRICH MENTOR program, EARTH’s RET program will also provide peer-mentoring support for community-college teachers, including instructors from tribal colleges.

A group of people looking at a whiteboard and talking about it

Nebraska Indian Community College (NICC) student Tilynn Campbell-Miller (middle) and Wayne State College student MaKenna King (right) presenting their summer research, conducted in the Department of Chemistry at the University of South Dakota, at the 2024

A person with a lab coat and goggles working with a piece of equipment

Nebraska Indian Community College (NICC) student Tilynn Campbell-Miller operating a Bruker 400 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectrometer during her research internship in the Department of Chemistry at the University of South Dakota in summer 2024

A group of people in a classroom with an Oglala Lakota College logo

Group photo of attendees participating in a chemistry outreach workshop at Oglala Lakota College, SD in July 2024. The workshop was organized by a team of graduate students and faculty from the Department of Chemistry at the University of South Dakota.

A person in goggles and gloves smiling

Oglala Lakota College student Ron Campbell performing a chemistry experiment at an outreach workshop organized by a team of graduate students and faculty from the Department of Chemistry at the University of South Dakota.